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5 Steps To A Successful Employee Advocacy Strategy


When navigating the landscape of social media, B2B companies have found a unique stage to spotlight their expertise on LinkedIn.


To harness the full potential of LinkedIn and inject it with your brand's energy, businesses are increasingly turning to Employee Advocacy Programs. 


In this blog, we'll unveil the 5 secret steps that will guide you in launching a thriving Employee Advocacy Program. At the same time, we'll leverage the unparalleled capabilities of Vulse, our B2B content marketing platform, to supercharge your LinkedIn content strategy.



Step 1: Define Your Goals


Before embarking on any employee advocacy strategy, defining clear objectives is crucial. What do you want to achieve—increased brand awareness, enhanced website traffic, lead generation, or thought leadership in your industry? 


Take the time to break down your overarching goals into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. This meticulous approach ensures that your strategy is not only aligned with your broader business objectives but also provides a clear roadmap for success.


Extend your goal-setting approach beyond quantitative metrics. Consider qualitative factors such as brand perception and industry influence. Vulse's analytics can provide qualitative insights, helping you understand how your approach contributes to the overall narrative of your brand.


Explore Vulse's analytics features to gain actionable insights into your employees performance. Track engagement metrics, website traffic, and lead generation. The data-driven feedback loop created by Vulse allows you to make informed decisions and optimise your strategy continuously.



Step 2: Identify Your Advocates


Not every employee is suited for an advocacy programme. Identify individuals who are passionate about your company and industry, possess a strong online presence, and are willing to actively engage on LinkedIn. 


Dig deeper into the criteria for selecting advocates. Consider factors such as industry knowledge, communication skills, and existing social influence. 


Collaborate with HR and department heads to identify individuals who align not just with your brand but also possess the qualities needed to be impactful advocates.


Encourage employees from diverse roles and departments to participate. This diversity not only broadens the reach of your content but also brings varied perspectives and expertise to the forefront.


Implement strategies to motivate and empower your advocates. Recognise their efforts publicly, offer incentives, or create friendly competitions to boost engagement. Leverage Vulse's analytics to identify high-performing advocates and tailor recognition efforts based on their contributions to the strategy.



Step 3: Provide Training and Resources


To ensure your advocates represent your brand effectively, offer them training and resources. Teach them about your brand's values, key messaging, and LinkedIn best practices. Provide them with a content library containing shareable materials such as articles, infographics, and videos.


Develop comprehensive training modules that cover not only your brand's messaging but also LinkedIn etiquette and the nuances of online engagement. 


Conduct interactive training sessions to engage advocates actively. Use real-life scenarios and case studies to provide practical insights. Encourage questions and discussions to create a collaborative learning environment. 


Implement on-demand learning opportunities for advocates who prefer self-paced education. Create a repository of training materials within Vulse, allowing advocates to revisit content and refresh their knowledge at their own convenience. This approach accommodates diverse learning preferences within your advocate community.



Step 4: Create a Content Calendar


Consistency is key to a successful employee advocacy strategy. Establish a content calendar that outlines the type of content to be shared, posting schedules, and key messaging. Collaborate with your advocates to ensure they are comfortable with the content and posting schedule. Vulse's content planning features can simplify this process, allowing you to schedule posts in advance and maintain a consistent presence.


Engage your advocates in the content creation process by seeking their input on themes, topics, and formats. This collaborative approach not only ensures that the content aligns with their expertise but also fosters a sense of ownership among advocates. 


Determine an optimal posting schedule based on your audience's online behaviour and LinkedIn algorithm insights. Content planning tools can help you schedule posts strategically, ensuring that your content reaches the maximum audience at the most opportune times. Consistency in posting enhances visibility and engagement.


Stay agile in adapting your content calendar to align with current industry trends, events, or relevant news. This adaptability ensures that your content remains timely, addressing the latest developments and maintaining audience relevance.



Step 5: Measure and Optimise


Regularly monitor the performance of your employees content activity on LinkedIn. 


Identify what works and what doesn't, and make data-driven adjustments to your strategy. This iterative approach will help you continuously improve your programme and achieve better results over time.


Dive into detailed metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates. This comprehensive analysis provides a holistic understanding of how your content resonates with your audience and its impact on key business objectives.


Identify advocates who consistently drive engagement and amplify your brand reach. Recognise and reward their efforts, and consider leveraging their success strategies for broader adoption.


Use the insights gathered from analytics to refine and enhance your advocacy strategy iteratively. Identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. Collaborate with your advocates to incorporate their feedback and experiences. 





Launching an employee advocacy strategy on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for your business, enhancing brand visibility and credibility. 


By following these 5 steps and utilising Vulse's B2B content marketing platform, you can streamline the process and maximise the impact of your employee output.


Remember, the key is to set clear goals, engage the right advocates, provide them with the necessary resources, maintain consistency, and continuously measure and optimise your efforts. 


With dedication and the right tools, you'll soon see your employees thrive on LinkedIn thrive, driving significant benefits for your company.

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