Simplify your day-to-day with our Multiple LinkedIn Account Manager

Manage multiple LinkedIn profiles and pages from one simple hub to spark growth across your business.

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Get data-driven insights

Find new optimisation opportunities across all of your profiles and pages with seamless, real-time, multi-account analytics.

Section on vulse dashboard displaying user statistics. Section shows number of connections, likes, reaction and comments over time.

Increase brand advocacy

Curate high-quality content and skyrocket reach for your most important brand messages by pushing them out through all of your associated accounts.

Post score shows users how their post ranks when their content is compared to LinkedIn's algorithm preferences. This shows positive score of 4.8 surrounded by an almost complete circle.

Simplify account management

Manage both personal profiles and company pages from a single dashboard, making it easy to maintain a consistent LinkedIn presence.

Personal profile and company page section with 'add account' option highlighted.
Official Vulse logo

Choose a Vulse plan and connect multiple LinkedIn accounts, choosing from personal profiles and company pages.

Visit the multiple account manager dashboard and toggle between profiles. Get an overview of key information for each profile or page.

Section from Vulse platform where the user can schedule posts in advance

Schedule posts and view analytics for each profile or page individually, or push posts out to all of your linked accounts at once.

Make managing multiple LinkedIn accounts simple

Did you post that to the right account? With Vulse’s Multiple Account Manager, you’ll never have to ask yourself that question. Transition between your accounts seamlessly with the click of a button and manage your accounts with confidence.

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Level up your LinkedIn with quality content at your fingertips. Start today.

Need assistance? Drop us an email. We’re here to help.