Get inside your audience’s mind with our Live Trending News Hub

Keep your finger on the virtual pulse, discovering sector-specific LinkedIn trends in real-time to fuel high-impact content strategies. Coming soon to Vulse.

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Vulse dashboard gives users up-to-date industry news
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Stay a step ahead

Out-pace your competitors by reacting to the hottest trends in your sector before they hit the mainstream.

Section of trending news on Vulse dashboard being shown with 'trending' highlighted

Get more engagement

Lead the conversation with your audience and prompt incisive discussion, boosting engagement and leaving a lasting impression.

Top performing LinkedIn posts displayed with image on the left side and number of reactions on the right side.

Build long-term strategies

Back the right horse by seeing which trends stick around and which fade quickly, helping you to position yourself as an insightful expert.

Vulse platform highlights articles that may inform your content creation. Section with 2 and 1/2 relevant articles displayed at a time. Scroll option in section.
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Create a Vulse account and connect multiple personal profiles or company pages, depending on the plan you choose.

Share opinions on trending topics using the Vulse platform.

Navigate to the Live Trending News tool and tell us what sectors you want to find trends from or browse trending topics from across LinkedIn.

Vulse dashboard showing trending news section.

View and filter current trends, deep-dive into the data, learn who’s currently leading the conversation, and get direct inspiration for your next LinkedIn posts.

Play chess, not checkers, with our real-time LinkedIn trend curator

Trends might come and go, but the people who lead the conversation tend to stick around. Our Live Trending News tool gives you real-time insights into what topics and news stories your audiences are interested in. Apply what you learn in your LinkedIn content and you’ll be recognised as a thought-leader in your sector in no time at all. Feature coming soon.

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Revolutionise Your LinkedIn Output Today

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